
Download GaussPy

Download GaussPy using git (from this fork, which is currently updated to support Python 3.6+):

git clone git://


You will need download and install following packages to run GaussPy:

Optional Dependencies

If you wish to use GaussPy’s plotting capabilities you will need to install matplotlib:

Installing GaussPy

To install GaussPy make sure that all dependences listed above are already installed and properly linked to Python.

One way to achieve this goal is by using Conda. First, install either Miniconda3 (includes basic Conda root environment for Python 3.x, recommended) or Anaconda3 (includes more features, tools, libraries for Python 3.x).

You may wish to create a conda environment for the dependencies before installation. For example, to create an environment called gausspy:

$ conda env create -n gausspy --file conda-environment.yml
$ conda activate gausspy

Then install the required dependencies:

$ conda install -n gausspy numpy scipy h5py
$ conda install -n gausspy -c conda-forge tqdm lmfit

After verifying that the required dependencies are installed, return to the local directory containing GaussPy and install it via:

$ python install

If you would like to modify GaussPy, you may want to use links instead of installing, which is best done by replacing the last line with:

$ python develop