.. _install: =============== Installation =============== ---------------- Download GaussPy ---------------- Download GaussPy using git (from this fork, which is currently updated to support Python 3.6+): .. code-block:: bash git clone git://github.com/gausspy/gausspy.git ------------ Dependencies ------------ You will need download and install following packages to run GaussPy: * `Python 3.6+ `_ * `numpy (version 1.14 or later) `_ * `scipy `_ * `h5py `_ * `tqdm `_ * `lmfit `_ --------------------- Optional Dependencies --------------------- If you wish to use GaussPy's plotting capabilities you will need to install `matplotlib`: * `matplotlib `_ --------------------- Installing GaussPy --------------------- To install GaussPy make sure that all dependences listed above are already installed and properly linked to Python. One way to achieve this goal is by using Conda. First, install either `Miniconda3 `_ (includes basic Conda root environment for Python 3.x, *recommended*) or `Anaconda3 `_ (includes more features, tools, libraries for Python 3.x). You may wish to create a conda environment for the dependencies before installation. For example, to create an environment called gausspy: .. code-block:: console $ conda env create -n gausspy --file conda-environment.yml $ conda activate gausspy Then install the required dependencies: .. code-block:: console $ conda install -n gausspy numpy scipy h5py $ conda install -n gausspy -c conda-forge tqdm lmfit After verifying that the required dependencies are installed, return to the local directory containing GaussPy and install it via: .. code-block:: console $ python setup.py install If you would like to modify GaussPy, you may want to use links instead of installing, which is best done by replacing the last line with: .. code-block:: console $ python setup.py develop